The Holy Bible
God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that who ever believed in him would have eternal life and never die.
John 3:16

Bible study and discipleship with Glenfield Methodist Church
Our Reverend Sydney-Samuel, as well as Tom our Discipleship Enabler, hold separate bible study sessions throughout the year and can give one to one sessions to help you through any stages of your Christian journey. Contact Us to be put in contact with them.
Bible study and discipleship with Glenfield Methodist Church
Our Reverend Sydney-Samuel, as well as Tom our Discipleship Enabler, hold separate bible study sessions throughout the year and can give one to one sessions to help you through any stages of your Christian journey. Contact Us to be put in contact with them.
Other sources
Christianity is a website that is useful for new Christians or those interested in Christianity.
Premier Christian Radio and UCB has sermons, shows and music dedicated to Christianity.
Short of time to read the bible or need direction?
Get the Bible in a year and commentary app that you can download to your phone. It contains commentary by the founder of Alpha, Reverend Nicky Gumble who is also one of the leaders of Holy Trinity Brompton.
Look at the resources section of The Bible Society, or the news and articles section. Those pages contain a bible course (there may be a fee for the course), articles on the bible, people sharing their faith stories and news related stories from a Christian perspective.
Glenfield Methodist Church Library. We have a large selection of Christian books for all ages and stages of the faith journey.
If you want to read the Bible and do not know where to start the book of Mark is a good place to start it gives a short version of the events of Jesus' life, starting from his adult life. Then perhaps try the Psalms, such as Psalm 23, they were originally songs, but can be read like poems or prayers and help strengthen you as a Christian or person interested in being a Christian. Next try Genesis, this sets out the beginning that God wants us to know about.
The Bible is a Holy Book and it will help you if you speak to God through a prayer before you start to read it. Only you know how you would like to do this, but if you can not find the words, you could ask him to show you himself through his Word, or explain his Word to you as you read it.
Do you need the Holy Bible in a different language? Youversion has the bible for free in different languages including Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Spanish, Urdu, Afrikaans and much much more.
Would you prefer to watch rather than read about Jesus? Perhaps you may be interested in a programme inspired by the bible (it is not an exact representation of what is in the bible), but is created with the Bible strongly in mind. It is called the Chosen and is available on the Angel website.
Or perhaps you could gain a general overview of different chapters in the bible by watching videos by the Bible Project. Which are engaging insightful overviews of different books and themes in the Bible.
Christianity is a website that is useful for new Christians or those interested in Christianity.
Premier Christian Radio and UCB has sermons, shows and music dedicated to Christianity.
Short of time to read the bible or need direction?
Get the Bible in a year and commentary app that you can download to your phone. It contains commentary by the founder of Alpha, Reverend Nicky Gumble who is also one of the leaders of Holy Trinity Brompton.
Look at the resources section of The Bible Society, or the news and articles section. Those pages contain a bible course (there may be a fee for the course), articles on the bible, people sharing their faith stories and news related stories from a Christian perspective.
Glenfield Methodist Church Library. We have a large selection of Christian books for all ages and stages of the faith journey.
If you want to read the Bible and do not know where to start the book of Mark is a good place to start it gives a short version of the events of Jesus' life, starting from his adult life. Then perhaps try the Psalms, such as Psalm 23, they were originally songs, but can be read like poems or prayers and help strengthen you as a Christian or person interested in being a Christian. Next try Genesis, this sets out the beginning that God wants us to know about.
The Bible is a Holy Book and it will help you if you speak to God through a prayer before you start to read it. Only you know how you would like to do this, but if you can not find the words, you could ask him to show you himself through his Word, or explain his Word to you as you read it.
Do you need the Holy Bible in a different language? Youversion has the bible for free in different languages including Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Spanish, Urdu, Afrikaans and much much more.
Would you prefer to watch rather than read about Jesus? Perhaps you may be interested in a programme inspired by the bible (it is not an exact representation of what is in the bible), but is created with the Bible strongly in mind. It is called the Chosen and is available on the Angel website.
Or perhaps you could gain a general overview of different chapters in the bible by watching videos by the Bible Project. Which are engaging insightful overviews of different books and themes in the Bible.