Minister's Letter |
Dear Members of the Family of God,
I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I present myself standing in gratefulness to church members in this circuit who gave a very warm and hearty welcome to me and my family on the day of our arrival and afterwards. We appreciate the hard work that was put into preparing the manse and the goodies that were sent our way after our arrival. We are particularly grateful to our Senior Circuit Steward who made provisions for us so that we were catered for on the day of our arrival, at a time when our kitchen was not fully functional. Additionally, last Sunday, our Children met new friends.
I was humbled when a Senior Church Steward of one of the churches that I worked with in my former circuit, in saying goodbye to me wrote a testimony, a copy of which I asked for and hereby present an extract after I got his permission. He wrote and said thus: The time has come to give thanks for the ministry of Rev. Sydney-Samuel... I have come to value a number of things about you and your ministry: You have championed and supported our young people and Youth Work. Happily baptising babies, you encouraged a number of our young people to become members through confirmation, and to grow their faith by supporting our youth group and attending 3Generate on 3 occasions, and even presiding over a marriage in our Church (the first in about 20 years.) …You have a Real Heart for pastoral care and visitation especially with people who are ill, struggling or bereaved. You encourage others with your prayers, and take an active interest in older people in particular… Your arms are always wide open and your smile is broad in Welcome especially to newcomers and people on the fringe or edge of our community. This has encouraged us to live up to our motto on our coffee cup “All are Welcome…” We are “not Church” until we live out that motto… You challenged and helped us step out of comfort zones and mediocrity to grapple with Big Issues and form responses to the death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement – eventually reflected in an outreach campaign in our Church window. You steered us through the Same Sex marriage debate in the Methodist Church. So, I simply say THANK YOU for all of these things, and Walking with us in Light and Faith over the past 6 years. I raise my hand in blessing and say to you All as you go on to your next Methodist adventure in Leicester “HAMBA KAHLE” – a Zulu blessing of Good Bye, Safe Travels and to Walk Well onwards in your Methodist Journey. I wish you ALL every blessing in what lies ahead for you.
If I was an Ambassador, I would present the above to you as my credentials and vouch that I am in agreement with the positive testimonies that others have given about me. Moreover, I have said ‘Amen’ to every wish and blessing for a prosperous ministry that was bestowed upon me as I left my former circuit to commence my new role in the Leicester West Circuit. In all humility, I hope that I will be able to lick my fingers after feeding others till they are satisfied; by the will, grace and power of our Almighty God.
I do not intend to be alone to run, walk, stand or sit along God’s way of righteousness that would be practiced by our family of believers covenanted to travel on a journey as the body of Jesus Christ. Our churches may find comfort from knowing that this is not a course for the clergy nor the laity in separation. On the contrary, it may be perceived as a collective team effort of believers and people working to be helped towards reducing their unbelief whilst we hold fast to the knowledge that the race is not for the swift neither the battle for the strong. If you perceive a mountain to climb, then not by power and not by might the mountain will be removed by the Holy Spirit of God. I therefore introduce all of us into a journey where faithless feet never trod. Proclaiming that we are invited to walk by faith and not by sight, even if our faith is as small as a mustard seed. We are encouraged to believe that it is no longer us who lives but Christ who lives in us and we are charged to hold on to the confidence that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Which suggest that we live and serve trusting in the grace of God through his Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
After being commissioned as a Local preacher in October 1990, my background and practice in Local Authorities as a Chartered Management Accountant with an MBA was put onto the back burner when God reinvigorated my call into ordained ministry from around 2012. Going through the process of ministerial training and ordination was not easy. The underlying confidence that I held on to and still hold on to is: God who began a good work is faithful to complete it. The journey that Job went through took him from riches to rags. Then in that convention of trials and tribulations, he discovered that he had only heard about God but now he knows God. In return God prospered his ways and blessed him with double of what he had lost. The resurrection seems to overshadow the crucifixion that Job experienced.
My experience is to address change and new beginnings by utilizing all relevant learning from the past and hoping for the best as we step towards the future. We are encouraged to follow ‘the way’ that Jesus Christ taught his Disciples: embrace a mission to be servants and good shepherds who lead others to the promised land without judgement, overlooking their errors, defending others and leading those who will believe into the family of God, an epitome of the promised land. I introduce myself as coming with a mind frame thinking of Peter; who was acting in obedience to the personal charge from Jesus Christ thus: when you are converted, strengthen the brethren, take care of God's sheep and lambs in Peter’s position as the rock, upon which God will build his church and the gates of hell shall never prevail against the body of Christ.
I am keen to provide effective worship and to work with everyone in order to provide hospitality, pastoral support, Christian fellowship, promote mission, evangelism: with outreach to spread and manifest the Gospel of grace and reconciliation between people belonging to the nations of the world. Intentionally, helping the nations that represent the children of Abraham to be reconciled with God our good Father who has truly provided a lamb for sacrifice. I hold intensive passion for ecumenical engagements and partnerships with faith groups and spiritual people who set out to work for the good of humanity; I hope to collaborate with partners who support and care for people with mental health challenges, social deprivation, relieve distress and facilitate services which seek to enhance justice and wellbeing in our local community, nationally across our Methodist connexion and internationally in God’s world. United, in truth, love, goodness, forgiveness, mercy, dignity and in solidarity to serve the needs of one another and to bring praise and glory to God.
I say to One and All. Come let us join a cheerful work. God who is present everywhere, knows everything and can do everything will be with us; and because he is the God of resurrection, I believe that 'things can only get better!'. May God be our helper.
Loving regards,
I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I present myself standing in gratefulness to church members in this circuit who gave a very warm and hearty welcome to me and my family on the day of our arrival and afterwards. We appreciate the hard work that was put into preparing the manse and the goodies that were sent our way after our arrival. We are particularly grateful to our Senior Circuit Steward who made provisions for us so that we were catered for on the day of our arrival, at a time when our kitchen was not fully functional. Additionally, last Sunday, our Children met new friends.
I was humbled when a Senior Church Steward of one of the churches that I worked with in my former circuit, in saying goodbye to me wrote a testimony, a copy of which I asked for and hereby present an extract after I got his permission. He wrote and said thus: The time has come to give thanks for the ministry of Rev. Sydney-Samuel... I have come to value a number of things about you and your ministry: You have championed and supported our young people and Youth Work. Happily baptising babies, you encouraged a number of our young people to become members through confirmation, and to grow their faith by supporting our youth group and attending 3Generate on 3 occasions, and even presiding over a marriage in our Church (the first in about 20 years.) …You have a Real Heart for pastoral care and visitation especially with people who are ill, struggling or bereaved. You encourage others with your prayers, and take an active interest in older people in particular… Your arms are always wide open and your smile is broad in Welcome especially to newcomers and people on the fringe or edge of our community. This has encouraged us to live up to our motto on our coffee cup “All are Welcome…” We are “not Church” until we live out that motto… You challenged and helped us step out of comfort zones and mediocrity to grapple with Big Issues and form responses to the death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement – eventually reflected in an outreach campaign in our Church window. You steered us through the Same Sex marriage debate in the Methodist Church. So, I simply say THANK YOU for all of these things, and Walking with us in Light and Faith over the past 6 years. I raise my hand in blessing and say to you All as you go on to your next Methodist adventure in Leicester “HAMBA KAHLE” – a Zulu blessing of Good Bye, Safe Travels and to Walk Well onwards in your Methodist Journey. I wish you ALL every blessing in what lies ahead for you.
If I was an Ambassador, I would present the above to you as my credentials and vouch that I am in agreement with the positive testimonies that others have given about me. Moreover, I have said ‘Amen’ to every wish and blessing for a prosperous ministry that was bestowed upon me as I left my former circuit to commence my new role in the Leicester West Circuit. In all humility, I hope that I will be able to lick my fingers after feeding others till they are satisfied; by the will, grace and power of our Almighty God.
I do not intend to be alone to run, walk, stand or sit along God’s way of righteousness that would be practiced by our family of believers covenanted to travel on a journey as the body of Jesus Christ. Our churches may find comfort from knowing that this is not a course for the clergy nor the laity in separation. On the contrary, it may be perceived as a collective team effort of believers and people working to be helped towards reducing their unbelief whilst we hold fast to the knowledge that the race is not for the swift neither the battle for the strong. If you perceive a mountain to climb, then not by power and not by might the mountain will be removed by the Holy Spirit of God. I therefore introduce all of us into a journey where faithless feet never trod. Proclaiming that we are invited to walk by faith and not by sight, even if our faith is as small as a mustard seed. We are encouraged to believe that it is no longer us who lives but Christ who lives in us and we are charged to hold on to the confidence that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Which suggest that we live and serve trusting in the grace of God through his Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
After being commissioned as a Local preacher in October 1990, my background and practice in Local Authorities as a Chartered Management Accountant with an MBA was put onto the back burner when God reinvigorated my call into ordained ministry from around 2012. Going through the process of ministerial training and ordination was not easy. The underlying confidence that I held on to and still hold on to is: God who began a good work is faithful to complete it. The journey that Job went through took him from riches to rags. Then in that convention of trials and tribulations, he discovered that he had only heard about God but now he knows God. In return God prospered his ways and blessed him with double of what he had lost. The resurrection seems to overshadow the crucifixion that Job experienced.
My experience is to address change and new beginnings by utilizing all relevant learning from the past and hoping for the best as we step towards the future. We are encouraged to follow ‘the way’ that Jesus Christ taught his Disciples: embrace a mission to be servants and good shepherds who lead others to the promised land without judgement, overlooking their errors, defending others and leading those who will believe into the family of God, an epitome of the promised land. I introduce myself as coming with a mind frame thinking of Peter; who was acting in obedience to the personal charge from Jesus Christ thus: when you are converted, strengthen the brethren, take care of God's sheep and lambs in Peter’s position as the rock, upon which God will build his church and the gates of hell shall never prevail against the body of Christ.
I am keen to provide effective worship and to work with everyone in order to provide hospitality, pastoral support, Christian fellowship, promote mission, evangelism: with outreach to spread and manifest the Gospel of grace and reconciliation between people belonging to the nations of the world. Intentionally, helping the nations that represent the children of Abraham to be reconciled with God our good Father who has truly provided a lamb for sacrifice. I hold intensive passion for ecumenical engagements and partnerships with faith groups and spiritual people who set out to work for the good of humanity; I hope to collaborate with partners who support and care for people with mental health challenges, social deprivation, relieve distress and facilitate services which seek to enhance justice and wellbeing in our local community, nationally across our Methodist connexion and internationally in God’s world. United, in truth, love, goodness, forgiveness, mercy, dignity and in solidarity to serve the needs of one another and to bring praise and glory to God.
I say to One and All. Come let us join a cheerful work. God who is present everywhere, knows everything and can do everything will be with us; and because he is the God of resurrection, I believe that 'things can only get better!'. May God be our helper.
Loving regards,